Mythologemes of China in the context of modern culture and language


  • Yue Quan Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Yeltsin B.N.
  • Cong Yang Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Yeltsin B.N.
  • Xinci Li Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Yeltsin B.N.
  • Zhang Haichao Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Yeltsin B.N.
  • Natalya A. Zavyalova Ural State University of Economics



myth, China, culture, language, education


The article is part of a large-scale research program to describe Chinese culture and language and adapt them to the needs of modern Russian education. On the material of Internet sources, electronic horoscopes, films, the authors consistently prove the thesis about the demand for the studied phenomena in the modern global socio-cultural space. The author's attention is focused on numerous manifestations of ancient Chinese culture, diverse in form and content. The authors point to their popularity among representatives of various age and gender groups. The secret of popularity lies in the eternal Confucian values, which are supported by various forms of cultural and linguistic community in China. These values can be presented as a necessary component of the dialogue of cultures in various classes of the humanitarian cycle: world artistic culture, an additional foreign language (Chinese), technology, social science, foreign history. The authors are deeply convinced that deep penetration into the foundations of Chinese culture at different stages of the pedagogical process - the organizational stage, setting goals and objectives, motivation for learning activities, updating knowledge, primary assimilation of knowledge, primary verification of new knowledge, primary verification of understanding, primary consolidation and instructing on homework - can ensure the formation of a more complete picture of the world for students of different levels.


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How to Cite

Цюйань Ю, Ян Ц, Ли С, Хайчао Ч, Завьялова НА. Mythologemes of China in the context of modern culture and language. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):74-81. Available from: