Distance learning Model as an innovative form of Modern Russian Education


  • Roman A. Rudenko Don State Agrarian University
  • Irina V. Tkacheva Don State Agrarian University




educational technologies; e-learning; distance learning model; education reform.


In the modern world, distance learning is becoming a necessity, due to the unstable epidemiological situation and local restrictions in the work of universities. At the same time, the process of distance learning should not be inferior in quality to the classical one, and this is the relevance of this article. The purpose of the article is to consider new models of training in the higher education system in the process of training highly qualified personnel; to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the distance learning system for students. In this paper, we use general scientific methods of theoretical teaching, which allowed us to consider new forms and models used in the modern educational process. As a result of the research, the directions of the development of teaching methods in higher educational institutions are identified, the contribution of intellectual capital to the economic growth of the country is estimated, and the analysis of distance learning models is carried out. The authors assess the contribution of the distance learning model to the training of highly qualified personnel, which will increase the return on investment in education and have a positive impact on the economic growth of the country. The main provisions of the article can be used in the preparation of the "road map" for the development of higher education institutions.

Author Biographies

Roman A. Rudenko, Don State Agrarian University

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Food Technologies

Irina V. Tkacheva, Don State Agrarian University

doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Technical Means of Aquaculture,


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How to Cite

Руденко Р, Ткачева И. Distance learning Model as an innovative form of Modern Russian Education. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):72-8. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/7