Chinese media in the era of globalization


  • Xiaohui Qian Chengdu College of Arts and Sciences



CCP, China, propaganda, globalization, media


Today in China, there is a daily struggle between the state and the world community to minimize the number of fakes. This competition reflects and represents the central contradiction in Chinese politics between the needs of a rapidly modernizing economy and a pluralizing society, on the one hand, and the desire of the state to maintain absolute social balance, on the other hand. The article assesses the overall strength and effectiveness of the media propaganda system today, taking into account the comparison of external factors on the media in China. Such reports do not mention aspects of China's political system and rapid economic development. Like other countries, China has recognized the value of social media to enhance messaging and strengthen social justice. But unhindered access to Western social networks gave Beijing an advantage in the global struggle to reduce the number of fakes and allowed for the normal development of the information field within the country. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that China uses social media in the same way as other countries do in order to deepen friendly ties and promote fact-based communication.


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How to Cite

Цянь С. Chinese media in the era of globalization. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):122-5. Available from: