The results of the study of pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of children of the third year of life to a preschool institution


  • Victoria A. Razvalyaeva Technical Institute (branch) North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov
  • Larisa V. Mamedova Technical Institute (branch) North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov



early age, kindergarten, child, adaptation period, parent, socio-psychological adaptation


The relevance of the problem of children's adaptation to preschool education plays an important role in pedagogy. For a child who visits a preschool for the first time, this is a big event in his life. A healthy, physically developed baby copes better with difficulties. Nervous and somatically weakened children have, as a rule, much more difficult in kindergarten. Starting from the moment a child is enrolled in kindergarten, he gets into new conditions for him. The behavior of the child, as a rule, changes in the regime, the nature of nutrition, the temperature of the room. Inability to communicate with other children, combined with difficulties in contacting adults, create serious problems during the adaptation period. All this leads to a change in behavior, a violation of appetite, sleep or emotional state. In order for the adaptation of the child to be successful, it is necessary to give the first place to free play activity. In this article, we have presented the results of the primary study of the pedagogical conditions of children of the third year of life to a preschool institution. The diagnostic study was conducted in September 2022 with children aged 3 years, in the number of 30 people on the basis of the kindergarten "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" in Berkakit village of Neryungrinsky district.


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How to Cite

Разваляева ВА, Мамедова ЛВ. The results of the study of pedagogical conditions for the adaptation of children of the third year of life to a preschool institution. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(11):10-6. Available from:

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