A model of the methodology for forming the foundations of multicultural personality of preschool children by means of Chinese children's literature
model of methodology, fundamentals of multicultural personality, preschool children, Chinese children's literatureAbstract
The article states the fact that in modern society, the diversity of cultures is an everyday reality. Today's people live in conditions of multiculturalism, which leads to a constant clash of different views, attitudes, values, behaviors of representatives of different nationalities in the course of intercultural interaction. Modern society cannot exist as a monocultural society. The models of the methodology of forming the foundations of multicultural personality of preschool children by means of Chinese children's literature are presented and described in detail. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the foundations of multicultural personality of preschool children by means of Chinese children's literature consist of a complex of strategic research directions and a set of certain methodological approaches. That is, studying such a multifaceted topic, the authors relied on approaches reflecting the positions of different scientific schools, therefore, the theoretical and methodological basis of the study is system-activity, environmental, hermeneutic approaches. The system of pedagogical work, built in accordance with the structural and functional model, is effective: older preschool children have achieved a high level of formation of the foundations of a multicultural personality. This allows the authors to assert that the implementation of the process, built in accordance with the developed model of the methodology, allows achieving the stated goal of the study.
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