Pedagogical technologies for the implementation of technosphere safety provisions at enterprises


  • Marina S. Segal Far Eastern Federal University
  • Anastasia V. Kuts Far Eastern Federal University
  • Vadim S. Firsov Far Eastern Federal University



technosphere, noosphere, ecology, education, research


A conscious perception of the importance of humanistically oriented personal qualities of a person and the corresponding formation of a qualitatively new level of professional competencies of students of pedagogical specialties is possible only if they understand the holistic picture of the world and the cause-and-effect relationships of the development and existence of society. Fragmentary thinking, simplified understanding of man, reproductive education, authoritarian upbringing – these and other problems of the modern educational system testify to its conservatism. Despite the proclaimed slogans about the self-worth of the individual, the importance of maximizing its potential, traditional education remains hostage to the prevailing stereotypes, when knowledge, skills and abilities are formed “massively”, without taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and the experience of creative activity is more important. Noospheric education is a nature oriented learning and upbringing process that brings pleasure to a person, the desire to actively acquire knowledge, as well as awareness of the need for their own development, which leads to the path of purposeful self-improvement. The main task of education from the point of view of the noospheric concept is the formation of a holistic noospheric consciousness in a person (holistic thinking, ethical bioadaptive method of behavior and ecological worldview).


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How to Cite

Сегал МС, Куц АВ, Фирсов ВС. Pedagogical technologies for the implementation of technosphere safety provisions at enterprises. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(9):208-14. Available from: