Possibilities of stratification of managerial competencies of oilfield service enterprises


  • Marat R. Nurutdinov Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Shamil R. Khusnullin Ufa State Petroleum Technological University




stratification, management competencies, service, enterprise


In the first decades of the XXI century, large-scale and profound transformations took place in the coordinates of management under the influence of a number of factors. Breakthrough technologies, innovative business solutions, geopolitical and demographic changes have affected the transformations of the management mechanisms of the public sector of national economies and significantly increased the dynamism of the business space. The impetus for new flexibility and adaptability in management was the regime of sanitary and epidemiological restrictions imposed due to the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, which led to the reformatting of the business communications system and introduced a number of innovations in the organization of the activities of subjects of all segments, spheres and industries at different levels - from global to microeconomic. Large scale and meaningful transformations have become the current reality, within which new imperatives are being formed, new opportunities are emerging, new risks and threats to effective management are emerging. The effectiveness of management is primarily a projection of the competence of managers at various levels of management, functional areas and business processes. It is the ability to produce and implement innovative management solutions aimed at ensuring and supporting the functioning of companies, enterprises, organizations in the face of new challenges from both the external and internal environment that becomes one of the prerequisites for effective management.


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How to Cite

Нурутдинов МР, Хуснуллин ШР. Possibilities of stratification of managerial competencies of oilfield service enterprises. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(9):201-7. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/609

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