To the issue of emotional-expressive component of communicative-pragmatic categories of threat and warning


  • Alexander A. Arskiy Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



pragmatics, semantics, threat, warning, speech act, communication


In this article, in line with the anthropocentric research approach, a thesis consideration of some of the most significant aspects of the communicative-pragmatic categories of threat and warning as elements of the macro-category of will, which forms one of the foundations of egocentric semantics, is presented. Modern linguistics is characterized by a pronounced anthropocentric orientation. Within the framework of this paradigm, in particular, studies of semantic categories of the egocentric plan are carried out, which are directly related to the implementation of the voluntary, due-prescriptive function of language, characteristic, for example, of the modern official-business style of communication. An example of the mentioned semantic class of language expressions are the "threat" and "warning" studied by us – communicative means of suppressing, to one degree or another, the will of the addressee in order to correct his behavior or make him aware of the negative consequences of actions already committed by him. These categories are an integral part of one of the fundamental semantic categories of egocentric orientation – the global category of will underlying any communicative interaction.


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How to Cite

Арский АА. To the issue of emotional-expressive component of communicative-pragmatic categories of threat and warning. УО [Internet]. 2022Nov.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(9):22-8. Available from:

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