Monitoring of value orientations of youth students as a means of forming a portrait of a modern student of secondary professional education (by the example of the autonomous institution "Surgut polytechnical college")


  • A.V. Salkov Surgut State University
  • A.K. Shchipanova Surgut State University



value orientations, student, secondary vocational education, portrait of a modern student


The article presents an analysis of the results of approbation of the program for monitoring the value orientations of students of the Surgut Polytechnic College. During the implementation of the monitoring program, it was found that the reasons for entering an institution of secondary vocational education differ among students, as well as their interest in mastering a profession or specialty. It was revealed that the most significant instrumental and terminal values differ among students of different courses. Within the framework of this article, an analysis of the results of the study is presented, which shows that the use of a program for monitoring value orientations makes it possible to form a portrait of a modern student of secondary vocational education, as well as to correct educational and educational activities. During the implementation of the monitoring program, factors were identified that negatively affect the formation of students' personal qualities, motivation in learning.


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How to Cite

Сальков А, Щипанова А. Monitoring of value orientations of youth students as a means of forming a portrait of a modern student of secondary professional education (by the example of the autonomous institution "Surgut polytechnical college"). УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):300-17. Available from: