A cultural approach to ecological education indicators


  • E.N. Dzyatkovskaya Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education




ecological education, ecological culture, basic model of ecological culture, diagnostic complex


The cultural approach to education as a vision of the learner through the prism of culture and as a human dimension of culture (man in culture and culture in man) is considered. The cultural approach allowed the author to approach in a new way one of the most uncomfortable questions of the theory and practice of ecological education, connected with control and estimation of its personal results. In spite of the numerous pedagogical and psychological methods available to measure students' ecological culture, the connection of the pedagogical indicators used in them with the ecological culture of the personality remains under question. The article describes the logic of constructing indicators of ecological culture not as a result of studying school subjects and upbringing (knowledge - skills - relations) but as a reflection of invariant components of the basic model of personal ecological culture. It is proved that each of the used pedagogical indicators of ecological culture (ecological literacy, ecological thinking, etc.) should reflect all invariants of the basic model of ecological culture of the person in their integrity.


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How to Cite

Дзятковская Е. A cultural approach to ecological education indicators. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):293-9. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/575