The role of student self-government in the innovative management of the university


  • M.S. Segal Far Eastern Federal University
  • A.V. Kuts Far Eastern Federal University
  • V.S. Firsov Far Eastern Federal University



university management, self-government, students, research, analysis


Student self-government in modern higher educational institutions (universities) has a sufficiently developed structure, multidimensional forms of identification at different levels. Student self-government bodies carry out their activities at the level of a group, faculty, dormitory, campus and higher educational institution. At the same time, there are student scientific societies, scientific circles, interest clubs and other forms of student self-government. To understand the essence of student self-government as an element in the management system of an educational institution, which has its own functions, subjects and tasks and appears as a reliable foundation, a practical basis for the formation of skills of self-organization, self management, and managerial decision-making, it is important to identify the characteristics of individual aspects of student activity as a personal way of meeting needs in accordance with one's own position. In the modern education system, student self-government bodies at the legislative level have a wide range of rights and opportunities to participate in the management of universities, namely: participation in academic councils of the faculty and University, organization and conduct of scientific, cultural, sports, recreational and other events, assistance in the employment of students and the like. At the same time, in coordination with the student self-government bodies, decisions are made on the expulsion, restoration, transfer, settlement of persons studying at a higher educational institution.


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How to Cite

Сегал М, Куц А, Фирсов В. The role of student self-government in the innovative management of the university. УО [Internet]. 2022Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):153-9. Available from: