Formation of technical thinking among students of secondary vocational education in the teaching of general education disciplines


  • Solomon R. Gilyadov Secondary School "Classics"
  • Olga L. Mnatsakanyan Russian State Social University,
  • Natalia A. Farunda Moscow State Pedagogical University,
  • Georgy Yu. Yalamov Modern Humanitarian Academy
  • Maria S. Leontieva Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism
  • Lyudmila D. Spasibenko College of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation



competencies; skills; technical thinking; teaching methods; teaching technologies; general education disciplines.


The purpose of the work is to study the aspects of the formation of technical thinking among students as a result of the educational process in the system of secondary vocational education (SPE). The main objectives of the research are: to analyze the factors that influence the development of technical thinking in secondary school students, to evaluate the methods and approaches that contribute to the formation of technical thinking in secondary school students when teaching general education disciplines, and to search for the most effective ones that meet the trends of global transformation of processes in the field of education in the Russian Federation. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the effective formation of technical thinking among students of secondary vocational education will be ensured if teachers use updated and effective methods of training students when teaching general education disciplines in their professional activities. To solve the tasks set, such methods as comparison, theoretical analysis, generalization of information from open sources, synthesis of research and generalization of psychological and pedagogical, scientific, methodological and educational literature were used; study of conference materials on the introduction of new pedagogical technologies in teaching; analysis of educational and methodological literature, analytical methods. Research results: the problem of the formation of technical thinking among students of secondary vocational education when teaching general education disciplines is currently relevant. The solution of this problem is one of the ways to develop creative and critical thinking, acts as a mechanism for developing students ' motivation to expand practical skills, a factor that ensures a deeper study of academic disciplines by students and the formation of the required professional skills – competencies of the XXI century.

Author Biographies

Solomon R. Gilyadov, Secondary School "Classics"

Deputy Director for Educational Work

Olga L. Mnatsakanyan, Russian State Social University,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems, Networks and Security

Natalia A. Farunda, Moscow State Pedagogical University,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of the Department of Information and Educational Systems

Georgy Yu. Yalamov, Modern Humanitarian Academy

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Maria S. Leontieva, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Individual Game and Intellectual Sports

Lyudmila D. Spasibenko, College of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Teacher


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How to Cite

Гилядов С, Мнацаканян О, Фарунда Н, Яламов Г, Леонтьева М, Спасибенко Л. Formation of technical thinking among students of secondary vocational education in the teaching of general education disciplines. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(2):206-17. Available from: