Modern trends in the mediatization of culture in the digital educational space


  • T.N. Simonova Astrakhan State University namе of V.N. Tatishcheva
  • S.V. Tetersky Astrakhan State University namе of V.N. Tatishcheva



media space, culture, society, digitalization


The formation of a new dominant technological order is due to the dynamics of the development of the digital media space – an important component of the global media space, the formation of which is a natural stage in the development of the era of electronic communications. The media space is a complex self-organizing system and is a part, a subsystem of the information and communication universe as a set of all systems somehow related to communication processes. The novelty of the research is determined by the postulate that the media space is a component of the global space of people's social existence, generates and organizes the production and consumption of information in various forms of social communication; this is a special reality. The authors show that its formation is facilitated by the growing diversity of communication technologies that accompanied the historical and cultural development of society. The article shows that the media space is characterized by several components that determine public life: a technosphere built on ICT; an infosphere based on information and network highways; a socioinfosphere that includes information flows and organized structures that control the processes of their creation and consumption and affect the state of social intelligence. The practical significance of the research is determined by the fact that the media space is not only a repeater of information, but also its producer, in connection with which it acts as a complex, global system that contains all socio-cultural components capable of forming information prerequisites and requests and providing information needs with all possible communication means.


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How to Cite

Симонова Т, Тетерский С. Modern trends in the mediatization of culture in the digital educational space. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(8):59-74. Available from: