Professional training of university students in the direction of "vocal art"


  • Sergey V. Sheremet Moscow State University for the Humanities



Vocal pedagogy, creative abilities, musical ear, intonation, coordination of hearing and voice, breath setting, professional level


Modern art is the most important asset of civilization. It has its roots in the depths of centuries. A special genre is vocal art. Every musician knows that the human voice is the most perfect musical instrument. Professional training of students in the direction of vocal art is a complex task that must be solved taking into account the traditions of Russian vocal pedagogy and the high authority of performers in Russia and abroad. Therefore, the use of digital technologies in the training of vocalists is quite a controversial topic. We all agree that it is necessary to use the achievements of digital communications, while we consider it necessary to preserve the traditions and contact work with the student in the classroom. There are academic disciplines, the content of which helps to learn digital technologies. In this part, it is necessary to make the most of such opportunities. There are situations when in vocal pedagogy it is not possible to meet with students in the concert studio or in the classroom. Such stories require comprehension and the use of a certain technique. As materials for the study, data from scientific studies of foreign and domestic scientists were used. The article presents some approaches to the analysis of the experience of remote work with students.

Author Biography

Sergey V. Sheremet, Moscow State University for the Humanities

Professor, Head of the Department of Vocal Art


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How to Cite

Шеремет С. Professional training of university students in the direction of "vocal art". УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(2):189-96. Available from: