The use of information technologies in professional activity as a key competence of students of secondary vocational education


  • Irina A. Arkhipova Independent researcher



digital literacy, information technologies, competencies, distance learning, electronic educational environment


The article is devoted to the problems of formation of digital competence of students of secondary vocational education as one of the key general competencies. The theoretical aspects of digital literacy in professional activity are considered, the conditions for the formation of this competence among modern students are revealed, ways and means of solving problems on the formation of general competence related to the use of information technologies in professional activity are determined. The need for digitalization and informatization of the education system is a requirement and conditions of compliance with the modern digital society. The article defines the component of the concept of "digital competence", describes its elements. Information competence in the conditions of modern education occupies one of the leading places in the overall competence of a student of an educational organization and a future professional. Its essence lies in the possession of such skills as electronic document management, the use of computer technology in professional activities. In the last two years, the ability to work remotely has also become necessary. The conditions and factors of the formation of this competence are characterized. Special attention is paid to the information and educational environment of an educational institution, its components as a factor in the successful formation of digital competence of students of secondary vocational education. The possibilities of using the tools of the digital educational environment in the classroom are presented and the aspects of their influence on the effectiveness of educational results are substantiated. The article also presents the conditions for the effective development of students' digital competence in an educational organization. The article identifies the problems associated with the insufficient level of formation of students' digital competence: lack of sufficient material and technical base and high-speed Internet, lack of motivation of the teaching staff, outdated teaching methods, disinterest of the administration of the educational organization and higher authorities, insufficient provision of students to work at home.


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How to Cite

Архипова ИА. The use of information technologies in professional activity as a key competence of students of secondary vocational education. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(7):319-23. Available from:

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