Teaching a foreign language to future police officers: a professionally oriented approach


  • Marina A. Arskaya Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation




non-linguistic higher educational institution, English, educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, cadets


Today, the Russian society is changing rapidly: it is becoming more open and active both in the political sphere and in protecting the rights and freedoms of every citizen. However, the modern Russian society, which seeks to join the community of countries with developed economies and state institutions, with an effective democratic political system that protects the rights and freedoms of all citizens, requires fundamental changes not only in the political sphere, but also in law enforcement. After all, it is the police bodies that are entrusted with the task of providing services in the field of public order and security; protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the interests of society and the state; countering crime; providing, within the limits defined by law, assistance services to persons who, for personal, economic, social reasons or as a result of emergency situations, need such help. Similar provisions are observed in the Federal Law "On Police". The integration of our state into the Eurasian space reinforces the need for effective learning of foreign languages. Striving for the world level of training of future law enforcement officers causes the need to meet certain criteria regarding the properties of this level. Therefore, first of all, there is a need for perfect study and sufficient command of a foreign language. Here we believe that the main direction of improving the police system is the process of changing priorities in the training and professional training of future law enforcement officers in a foreign language.


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How to Cite

Арская МА. Teaching a foreign language to future police officers: a professionally oriented approach. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(7):189-97. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/506