The effectiveness of the formation of information literacy of preschool children in research activities


  • Zhang Shu South Ural State University of Humanities and Pedagogy
  • Арина Юрьевна Герасимова South Ural State University of Humanities and Pedagogy



preschool children, information literacy, research activities, research quests


Modern living conditions require competent handling of information sources already from preschool age. It is necessary to teach children to use digital devices without harm to them, to create prerequisites for the future of life. Educational activities with children are most effectively carried out through research methods. The purpose of this study is to develop and test the effectiveness of the author's program and research quests for the formation of information literacy in older children. Methods: modeling (development of information literacy criteria for this study, taking into account existing assessment methods); questioning (children - studying the level of information literacy according to the developed criteria); pedagogical experiment; mathematical processing and interpretation of results. Results: surveys of children show the effectiveness of the author's program and research quests for the formation of information literacy of older children. The use of these tools for research activities has a positive impact on the development of children's knowledge through various digital and non-digital media, which at the present time is one of the most important skills.


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How to Cite

Шу Ч, Герасимова АЮ. The effectiveness of the formation of information literacy of preschool children in research activities. УО [Internet]. 2022Jul.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(7):146-53. Available from: