Pedagogical and psychological verification technology in situations of exposing the lies of the interrogated


  • Alexander A. Arskiy Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



interrogation, investigative actions, signs of lies, professional training, verbal behavior, suspect, verification


This article analyzes topical issues of description and classification of criminalistic verbal and nonverbal tactics of obtaining truthful testimony from a suspect during interrogations as independent procedural actions. The authors use a technological approach to the formation of interrogation techniques through the verification of not only instrumental responses obtained using high-precision measuring equipment, but also noninstrumental assessment mechanisms. The article shows that each of the methods is only an addition to the general structure of the verification of the answers of the interrogated and the integral assessment should be made directly by a specialist. It is determined that the technology in situations of exposing the lies of the interrogated person allows speeding up the investigation of a criminal case and in the future more quickly determine the order of punishment. The practical application of the obtained technology can be determined in direct operational work both during interrogation in extreme conditions and in the conditions of desk work of the operational staff.


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How to Cite

Арский АА. Pedagogical and psychological verification technology in situations of exposing the lies of the interrogated. УО [Internet]. 2022Aug.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(7):100-7. Available from:

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