Development of technology for assessing the quality of training of drivers of vehicles of categories "A" and "B"


  • Anatoly G. Babich Institute of the Educational North Caucasus Federal University
  • Elena S. Nemtsova Institute of Economics and Management, North Caucasus Federal University
  • Anna A. Babich Institute of Economics and Management, North Caucasus Federal University



driver training, vehicle, criteria, quality, methodology, evaluation


Improving road safety, aimed at preserving the life, health and property of citizens of the Russian Federation, is one of the priorities of state policy and an important factor in ensuring sustainable socio-economic and demographic development of the country. The vast majority of road traffic accidents (road accidents) occur due to deliberate failure to comply with safety requirements by road users. Thus, problems in the field of training of drivers of vehicles are directly related to road safety, since the quality of training of drivers of motor vehicles directly affects road safety. The article reveals the specifics of assessing the quality of training of drivers of vehicles of categories "A" and "B". A methodology for calculating a comprehensive indicator of the quality of training of drivers of vehicles of the designated categories is also proposed, based on three key methodological components: substantive, procedural and effective. The purpose of the study is to study the organizational and methodological foundations of the quality of training of drivers of vehicles of categories "A" and "B".


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How to Cite

Бабич АГ, Немцова ЕС, Бабич АА. Development of technology for assessing the quality of training of drivers of vehicles of categories "A" and "B". УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):316-24. Available from: