Problems of preparation of educational organizations of the system of secondary vocational education for competitions of various directions


  • Alla N. Ganicheva Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Irina V. Ilyina Kursk State University
  • Tatyana K. Kim Moscow State Pedagogical University
  • Lilia A. Metelkova I. Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University
  • Dmitry M. Pravdоv Russian State Social University
  • Elena I. Sukhova Moscow City Pedagogical University



secondary vocational education; professional skills competitions; practice-oriented approach; project activities.


The article deals with the main problems of preparing educational organizations of secondary vocational education for competitions of various directions. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the problems of preparing general education organizations of secondary vocational education (SPE) for various competitions. In accordance with this goal, the article solves the following tasks aimed at determining the essence of professional skills competitions, considering the directions of the WorldSkills professional skills competition, and also identifies problems of preparing for competitions, taking into account the category of participants (teachers and students), and suggests ways to increase the motivation of teachers and students to participate in competitive events. Within the framework of the study, a hypothesis is determined: it can be assumed that the main problems affecting the preparation of secondary vocational education institutions for competitions are the material and technical support and motivation of teachers and students. The methodological and informational basis of the article is scientific works, periodicals, Internet resources and the regulatory framework. Methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of literary sources and Internet resources were used in the study. As a result of the study, the directions of competitions were determined depending on the category of participants, while their main goals and advantages were highlighted, the research hypothesis was confirmed, the components of the problems of preparing secondary vocational education organizations for competitions of various directions were revealed, and the main components of successful participation in competitions were identified – the motivation and desire of students themselves, which arises as a result of a properly organized educational process and constant communication with teachers.

Author Biographies

Alla N. Ganicheva, Moscow City Pedagogical University

candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the public scientific and Practical laboratory of the Theory and Methodology of Early Child Development, Associate Professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Irina V. Ilyina, Kursk State University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Continuing Education

Tatyana K. Kim, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Health

Lilia A. Metelkova, I. Ya. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology

Dmitry M. Pravdоv, Russian State Social University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Physical Culture

Elena I. Sukhova, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Theory and Practice of the organization of the Educational Environment, Professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education


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How to Cite

Ганичева А, Ильина И, Ким Т, Метелькова Л, Правдов Д, Сухова Е. Problems of preparation of educational organizations of the system of secondary vocational education for competitions of various directions. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.22 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(2):148-57. Available from: