Education management system in the context of digital transformation


  • Natalya V. Makarenko Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management, branch of the RANEPA



education, municipal education management, education management system, municipal management, national project, digitalization, digitalization of education


In this article, the activities of the municipality from the point of view of the education management system in modern realities, namely, the conditions of digital transformation of society and its life, the main advantages and disadvantages of the development of digitalization of education at the municipal level are analyzed and presented. But first of all, the author considers the theoretical, regulatory and legal aspects of the current activities of the municipality as a key link in solving problems of any nature in favor of the local population, including in such a vital area as education. In conclusion, the priority directions of the development of education management in the conditions of digitalization are given, which should effectively affect the optimization of organizational and managerial processes in the field of digital transformation of the municipality, as well as the active penetration of digital technologies into the educational process of various educational organizations.


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How to Cite

Макаренко НВ. Education management system in the context of digital transformation. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):196-201. Available from: