A method of protecting traffic from interference by DPI-information systems of universities based on the use of DOT and DOT protocols


  • Vladimir Vl. Figurchikov Moscow Polytechnic University
  • Gamzat A. Salihov ITMO National Research University
  • Kseniya O. Blohina ITMO National Research University
  • Idel F. Hakimov Ufa State Aviation Technical University
  • Alina R. Hakimova Russian State Agrarian University — K. A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy




nformation security, hacking, cyber attack, DPI


The issue of ensuring information security and user privacy on the Internet is very multifaceted and complex. On the one hand, the global network is becoming more secure: the world's leading IT companies are developing and actively implementing new network standards and protocols, which makes the Internet safer, faster and more efficient for both ordinary average users and corporate clients. The former get the opportunity at any time to quickly access the necessary information or resources to meet their own needs. Corporations, in turn, thanks to various kinds of statistical data, have the opportunity to plan their business processes more clearly and efficiently, correlating them with the needs of customers. On the other hand, such globalization and structuring of information processes has negative consequences. Based on the data collected by IT corporations and providers, it is possible to completely compromise not only an individual, but also large enterprises. Therefore, the problem of protecting personal data on the Internet is becoming more acute every year, because the more accessible and widespread the global network becomes, the less chance of anonymity remains for average users, and confidential data of various companies and organizations become more vulnerable to unauthorized access to them, violation of their integrity and accessibility. DPI systems are increasingly being used to monitor and filter traffic, as well as to block protocols.


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How to Cite

Фигурчиков ВВ, Салихов ГА, Блохина КО, Хакимов ИФ, Хакимова АР. A method of protecting traffic from interference by DPI-information systems of universities based on the use of DOT and DOT protocols. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(6):133-42. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/465