Cybersecurity in a digital learning environment


  • Alexandr S. Oleinik National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
  • Aleksey N. Shilov Far Eastern Federal University
  • Danil A. Svetlichnyi Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Roman A. Makarov Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Anastasia A. Martazaeva Saint Petersburg University of Economics



cybersecurity, university, institute, protection


People live and act in the digital space (CPU). Children are born, grow up, learn and will work with gadgets that are connected to networks and become a natural environment. Their life is influenced and influenced by the CPU with old and new dangers, depends more and more on cognitive factors, interface, content, behavior patterns) and can be characterized from the standpoint of safety, comfort efficiency (in particular health), that is, it is in the field of ergonomists. New problems arise caused by the life and activities in the Central Bank, the relevant factors of influence, ways to avoid them and the corresponding new means and tools. Accordingly, the problems of the development and implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education that require solving, which is emphasized both at the international and national levels. However, it should be borne in mind that "under the influence of new information technologies, the processes of transformation of social development are so fundamental and global that, in addition to positive influence, they naturally bring with them serious problems, threats and risks in case of underestimation of new factors and conditions." As noted in the materials of the International Forums in Davos (2018-2019), the problem of cybersecurity (CB) is becoming particularly acute, which concerns almost all spheres of human life and activity, especially in conditions of full informatization of education. Due to cyber attacks, humanity suffers losses of more than 400 billion. US$ per year.


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How to Cite

Олейник АС, Шилов АН, Светличный ДА, Макаров РА, Мартазаева АА. Cybersecurity in a digital learning environment. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):231-9. Available from:

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