Priorities of scientific schools of an agricultural university: demand and potential for development


  • Viktor F. Stukach Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin
  • Oksana V. Shumakova Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin



demand for research, market analysis, consequences of the pandemic, scientific schoo, subjects of the real economy, market research, model solution, content analysis


This work is aimed at solving the socio-economic problems of the region in the conditions of sociopolitical turbulence in world economic relations. The practice and proposals of the methodological nature of the scientific school of the Omsk State Agrarian University of Professor Viktor Stukach "Problems of developing the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex of the Siberian region" are considered. The goal is to determine the relevance (relevance) of the real sector of the economy in the scientific developments of the school's researchers. The methodology for assessing demand is based on publications prepared by school members based on defended dissertations. The method of content analysis was used. For comparability, the publication conditions are placed in the RePEc database - an open archive of the University of Munich. As a measure of demand, the number of references to each work in the form of an abstract review or download was used. We studied 63 publications on the subject of 39 candidate and doctoral dissertations over the past 10 years. The publications that received the most requests are grouped by subject into four areas: - the work of students and teachers as part of a scientific school, active forms of the educational process, business games; - food aid to socially unprotected segments of the population; - stimulating the methods of state support of landowners to restore the "abandoned" lands that have left the agricultural circulation; - cost management in production, transaction costs. The article substantiates the expediency of using, in conditions of uncertainty, along with other previously developed and implemented methods of market research for the conditions of targeted and timely response to failures. The novelty lies in the fact that an evidence-based methodology for assessing the relevance and relevance of works published by members of the scientific school is proposed for practical use. The RePEc world database served as the information environment. It is essential that in similar conditions it is possible to use another database. New are the specific conditions for the socio-political turbulence of world economic relations, characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and overcoming the consequences of the pandemic. The work is addressed to research organizations, teachers and students of agricultural educational institutions, practitioners in the field of production, employees of government bodies. 


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How to Cite

Стукач ВФ, Шумакова ОВ. Priorities of scientific schools of an agricultural university: demand and potential for development. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):101-14. Available from: