Gender identity and features of its formation in modern conditions


  • Elena S. Varetsa Armavir State Pedagogical University
  • Olga V. Belous Armavir State Pedagogical University
  • Tatyana I. Oleshko Armavir State Pedagogical University



gender, gender identity, self-awareness, femininity, accompaniment, limited health opportunities, fairy tale


Gender issues are now becoming more and more relevant, with increased interest in the study of sexual identity at different stages of ontogenesis. Modern researchers of the problem of gender identity draw attention to the complexity of studying this psychological phenomenon in connection with the abundance of theoretical approaches, the diversity and ambiguity of its terminological content, and the lack of diagnostic methods for studying it. That is why the study of gender identity is relevant and significant for modern science. At present, there has been an increase in the number of persons with various manifestations of limited health opportunities and in a situation of inclusive educational space. In this regard, it was relevant for us to present the features of the manifestation of femininity in girls with limited health opportunities, since this period is important for the emergence of sympathy, first love and first relationships. It is necessary to organize psychological assistance to girls with limited health opportunitiesin the disclosure of femininity. As part of the program to accompany the disclosure of femininity in girls with limited health opportunities, we used fairy tales. Girls with limited health opportunities, in addition to general dissatisfaction with their appearance, confidence in their unattractiveness for the opposite sex, often do not see the realization of themselves as women: they do not plan intimate relationships, family creation and parenthood. Some girls with limited health opportunities may be infantile, others are forced, on the contrary, to show masculinity, in any case, they do not show their femininity. For a ful life, it is necessary to provide psychological assistance in revealing femininity in girls with limited health opportunities. 


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How to Cite

Вареца ЕС, Белоус ОВ, Олешко ТИ. Gender identity and features of its formation in modern conditions. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(4):39-47. Available from:

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