Raising patriotic feelings of younger students through extracurricular activities


  • Elena V. Ivanova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University




patriotism, patriotic education, patriotic feelings, junior schoolchild, extracurricular activities, elective


Patriotic education has always been one of the main tasks of the school. It acquires special relevance in modern conditions. Rethinking the leading value orientations in society, the crisis of the family institution, the lack of patriotic feelings among a significant part of the population, especially among young people, the presence of negative manifestations among students in the public life of the country (lack of an optimal civic position, socially approved behavior, as well as participation in socially condemned events and Internet communities) led to the need for an urgent solution at the state level of the problem of patriotic education of students and the search for the most rational ways, means, forms and methods of its optimization. Primary school age is the most sensitive period for patriotic education, since it is at this age that children improve their individual abilities, emotional and moral qualities that affect the severity of their experiences and perception of the world, including the formation of patriotic feelings; a sense of duty, responsibility and attachment to the native home, native places, the desire to preserve and protect their homeland are formed. At the same time, not only academic subjects, but also extracurricular activities have a huge educational potential, since the ways of organizing the educational process in this case can be free: games and competitions, excursions, discussion of current topics, conversations with participants in events, search and research projects, etc. d. The article deals with the problem of raising patriotic feelings of younger schoolchildren in extracurricular activities on the example of the program of the optional course "Where the Motherland Begins".


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How to Cite

Иванова ЕВ. Raising patriotic feelings of younger students through extracurricular activities. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(4):10-23. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/389