The problem of the formation of competencies in the field of mathematical sciences among university students of technical specialties


  • Magomet D. Sultygov Ingush State University
  • Lyudmila T. Vazieva North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (GTU)
  • Maria S. Sagova Ингушский государственный университет
  • Fatima D. Tsurova Ingush State University



university, technical specialty, mathematics, competence, formation


In order to form the readiness of applicants for higher education to carry out future professional activities, it is important to develop basic professional competence, which becomes an important aspect of training specialists for most technical specialties. Such an aspect is fundamental training, since it is based on a system of natural science knowledge, on the basis of which students will study special disciplines in their specialty. In this regard, one of the factors that can ensure the improvement of the quality of educational services is the improvement of the quality of fundamental training of specialists. Let's consider the implementation of interdisciplinary connections of mathematical disciplines with specialized disciplines on the example of the specialty "Transport Technologies", which covers a wide range of issues related to the organization of transport work. Future specialists acquire fundamental knowledge and professional competencies in the field of organization of passenger and cargo transportation, management of transport, transport logistics, interaction of modes of transport, transport security, intelligent transport systems and the like. Taking into account the above, the analysis of educational and professional programs of the First (bachelor's) level of higher education of the specialty "Transport Technologies" is carried out, which indicates the close connection of mathematical disciplines with disciplines of the professional direction.


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How to Cite

Султыгов МД, Вазиева ЛТ, Сагова МС, Цурова ФД. The problem of the formation of competencies in the field of mathematical sciences among university students of technical specialties. УО [Internet]. 2022Apr.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(2):242-9. Available from: