Methodological features of the formation of learning principles for sustainable development


  • Marina N. Parafina Alatyr Branch of the Chuvash State University Cheboksary
  • Elena V. Gryazeva Alatyr Branch of the Chuvash State University Cheboksary
  • Olga N. Mayorova Alatyr Branch of the Chuvash State University Cheboksary
  • Natalia K. Malchikova Alatyr Branch of the Chuvash State University Cheboksary
  • Maria P. Nemkova Alatyr Branch of the Chuvash State University



pedagogy, sustainable development, innovation, science


The methodological features of education for sustainable development are dialogic, the widespread use of active teaching methods, the formation of transversal skills. Education for sustainable development is interdisciplinary, inclusive and continuous. It has an advanced character, a practical direction and integrates not only the sphere of formal education, but also all education in the understanding of the unity of education, upbringing and enlightenment. In the second half of the twentieth century, the aggravation of environmental problems attracted the close attention of the public in many countries of the world. The obvious industrial model of social development that prevailed in the twentieth century led to an imbalance in the bio - sphere, depletion of resources, overstrain and destruction of ecological systems, an unfavorable demographic situation, which entailed the problem of survival and the continued existence of mankind. The development of industrial society with its technological determinism, the idea of global scientific and technological changes, the predominance of heavy industry in the economy, urbanization, and the formation of a mass consumption society has been significantly criticized by the public. The need to overcome such crisis phenomena as high rates of consumption of natural resources, depletion and pollution of the environment, social contradictions between countries created prerequisites for the formation of a new ecological paradigm that would point to the leading importance of social problems in exacerbating the ecological crisis and integrate environmental, social and economic aspects of social development. The only alternative to the further development of mankind in the conditions of increasing globalization processes was the idea of sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Паравина МН, Грязева ЕВ, Майорова ОН, Мальчикова НК, Немкова МП. Methodological features of the formation of learning principles for sustainable development. УО [Internet]. 2022Apr.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];12(2):228-35. Available from: