Formation of new competencies in high school students (grades 9-11) when introducing new technological subjects into the school curriculum, such as, architectural literacy, design, fundamentals of holographic engineering
professions of the future; architectural literacy; students; creation of air housing (airship-cities); underwater stations; engineering; holography; design; space research; space equipment.Abstract
The article discusses the importance of implementation in high school (grades 9-11) such disciplines as: architectural literacy, fundamentals of engineering, computer design (holography), cosmobiology, fundamentals of space design. The authors note that today the world of professions is changing rapidly, the demand for the development of new technologies is growing, and therefore, the emergence of new professions: architect of a smart home, combat medic, designer of underwater stations (housing), designer of air housing (creating airship cities), holographic engineering, as well as professions related to the development of outer space (cosmobiology, planetary guide, guide to space satellites, and so on). Within the framework of this article, a study was conducted where future students of higher educational institutions discussed the issues of synthesizing various professions and identified subjects that, in their opinion, should be studied as part of the school curriculum in separate professionally oriented classes. The study revealed general differences in different types of competencies among schoolchildren, especially when teaching engineering and architectural disciplines. The practical side of the work is the possibility of using the results for specialists of a similar profile and field of research.
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