Moral and patriotic education of senior preschool children using innovative technologies and research projects


  • Ekaterina O. Orlova Moscow City Pedagogical University,



patriotic education; project activities; historical reconstruction; innovative technologies; virtual educational tourism


Our reality is rich in vivid facts, events and makes a great impression on children, so it is necessary to skillfully consider these facts, be guided by the process of observation and help children comprehend their impressions, taking into account psychophysiological features, emotionality, imaginative thinking, the ability to actively respond to stimuli coming from the environment, the ability of children to imitate and gradually comprehend them. The peculiarity of preschool children is that situational emotion performs the function of evaluation. Later, emotional assessments differentiate objects in the child's mind into pleasant and unpleasant, forming a selective attitude to them. Thus, these assessments serve to order the influence of the outside world, they are of a one-dimensional form (good – bad), so the child is faster able to understand "what I am" than "who I am". The article is devoted to the issues of moral and patriotic education of preschool children by means of innovative technologies, education of preschool children with a sense of love and respect for their native land with the use of information and communication technologies and the use of research projects in educational activities.

Author Biography

Ekaterina O. Orlova , Moscow City Pedagogical University,

Post-graduate student,


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How to Cite

Орлова Е. Moral and patriotic education of senior preschool children using innovative technologies and research projects. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):319-28. Available from: