Innovative forms of work with schoolchildren in modern schools in the process of globalization
innovative forms; schoolchildren; school; globalization.Abstract
Today, the focus should be on the personality of the scientist, her unique inner world. The main goal of a modern teacher should be to choose such innovative methods and forms of organizing students ' educational activities that will be aimed at the comprehensive creative development of the individual. This includes not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the organization of the learning process and communication between participants in the educational process. Updated education should be based on the entry into the innovative mode of work and professionalization of teachers, their creative self-determination, focus on self-education, self-development and self-improvement. Only the teacher's indifference to the knowledge and use of innovations in their activities will contribute to the education of a successful personality. The strategic directions of the development of education, defined in the framework of the implementation of state programs and national projects, determine the formation of the intellectual and cultural potential of the nation by ensuring the constant spiritual self-improvement of the individual. Transformational processes in education provide for the development of the creative, initiative side of a person who is not only capable of translating knowledge, but also ready to create new world examples of culture and spirituality, new interesting skills.
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