Structuring of the BZHD course in higher education institutions as an element of national security


  • Leonid N. Romanchenko Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Yuri N. Kosenok Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Pyotr P. Godlevsky Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



life safety, state, national security, internal and external threats, higher education


The article considers the structuring of the course "Life Safety" in higher educational institutions as an element of national security. The priority of higher education should be the training of specialists in higher education institutions who are aimed at maintaining security in all areas of human activity due to the fact that education is the main coordinating and anti-crisis factor of national security, and it is education that affects all levels of security of the state, society, and the individual. Life safety training should include blocks affecting national security. The core of national security is the development trends and conditions of the life of society, its structures and institutions. The national security of the state is a system of institutions that ensures the effective intellectual potential of the development of the state, taking into account possible internal and external threats. As a result, effective approaches to improve the quality of teaching the discipline "Life Safety" in higher educational institutions will increase the modern level of higher education in this direction and contribute to the formation of an intellectually developed, educated person, which is the main guarantee of the national security of the state.


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How to Cite

Романченко ЛН, Косенок ЮН, Годлевский ПП. Structuring of the BZHD course in higher education institutions as an element of national security. УО [Internet]. 2022Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):169-73. Available from: