Application of methodological practices for conducting educational IPOs in financial universities


  • Ivanna A. Vlasova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Sergei A. Tronin Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



IPO, securities, capital, investments, stock market


This article examines the current activities of companies in the field of IPO. In our country, there is a tendency for the development of globalization processes, as well as an increase in the mobility and liquidity of capital. The trends described above create a need for active use of funding methods through entering the public market. Such activities allow companies to achieve all their goals, unleash their potential and achieve the highest levels of development. This paper will analyze the main feature of the IPO on the Russian market. The object of the work is Russian companies that raise capital through IPOs on the securities market. The subject is an IPO - an initial public offering of shares. Raising financial resources through an IPO gives organizations the opportunity to acquire those assets that they could not afford with their own funds. In Russia, the securities market acts to a greater extent as a source of additional income, but at the same time, the dynamics of the development of this market is quite noticeable in our country. In conclusion, the experience of leading Russian companies in the field of IPO will be analyzed, as well as future forecasts for this market and sphere will be determined.


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How to Cite

Власова ИА, Тронин СА. Application of methodological practices for conducting educational IPOs in financial universities. УО [Internet]. 2021Dec.5 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):128-34. Available from: