Conceptual model of formation of the physical culture of the personality of the future teacher in the process of lifelong professional education
conceptual model, formation, physical culture of a personality, the process of continuous professional training, future teacherAbstract
The article discusses the construction of a conceptual model of the formation of physical culture of the personality of a future teacher in the process of continuous professional education. The formation of a person's physical culture is conditioned by the requirements of society for graduated specialists and is reflected in the legislative base of the Russian Federation. The formation of physical culture contributes to personal development, as well as the preservation and strengthening of health. The process of physical culture formation can be displayed using the developed conceptual model. It consists of five levels: goal setting (social demand for the preservation and strengthening of the health of the future teacher; the purpose of the study is the formation of a person's physical culture in the process of continuous professional education); methodological (theoretical components of the physical culture of the personality of the future teacher; implementation of the implementation of methodological approaches for conducting research; the formation of the spiritual component; the system of pedagogical influences for the formation of physical culture of the personality of the future teacher); content level (the basis consists of: organizational-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical conditions, a system of disciplines; methods of forming the physical personality of a future teacher); structural - reflects the constituent elements of physical culture of the personality of the future teacher (physical education and a healthy lifestyle); final - shows the result of work on the formation of physical culture of the personality of the future teacher in the process of continuous professional training.
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