The role of students' independent work in the process of teaching foreign languages


  • Tatiana A. Gorbunova FGAOUVO "Moscow Polytechnic University"
  • Nelly B. Avetisyan FGAOUVO "Moscow Polytechnic University"



internet technologies, information technologies, independent work of students, learning a foreign language, electronic dictionary, electronic textbook, education


Тhe article is devoted to the study of the role of students' independent work in the process of teaching foreign languages. The authors substantiate the thesis about the importance and need to use new forms of organizing such work, including using information technologies, which can be considered as a factor in improving the quality and obtaining the expected effect of the independent work of students. Characteristics are given, features are specified, the merits of various forms of organization of work in the process of teaching foreign languages are emphasized. The possibility of achieving the necessary educational goals and tasks through them is argued. Emphasis is placed on the need for methodological justification of autonomous teaching of foreign languages, as well as the availability of information competence of the teacher.


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How to Cite

Горбунова ТА, Аветисян НБ. The role of students’ independent work in the process of teaching foreign languages. УО [Internet]. 2021Dec.5 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):77-84. Available from: