Methodological development on the course of fundamentals of the formation of financial strategies of the enterprise


  • Anastasiya S. Kozlova Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Natalia V. Kuskovskaya Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation



Financial strategy, features of formation, economic strategy, strategic decisions


This article discusses the formation of a financial strategy, which is necessary for every company that wants to make a profit and stabilize its position in the market. The theoretical aspects and principles of the formation of the financial strategic strategy of organizations, as well as its dependence on the life cycle of the company, are presented. The importance of building a company's financial strategy was also considered, and its importance was emphasized and justified. When defining a financial strategy, it is important to consider the principles that allow the company not to miss important aspects and fully work out the strategy so that it is as effective as possible. The relevance of the topic is because the effectiveness of the organization's activities directly depends on how well the financial strategy is formed in the company. Companies that pay due attention to its formation will become more competitive and stable in the market in the future. Financial strategy is important for both large organizations and small ones, including public organizations, commercial and state enterprises. At the moment, an increasing number of managers are aware of the need for proper, forward-looking, and structured management of the company's financial activities.


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How to Cite

Козлова АС, Кучковская НВ. Methodological development on the course of fundamentals of the formation of financial strategies of the enterprise. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):19-27. Available from: