Modern method of diagnostics of interaction of the university complex with the institution of additional education of schoolchildren


  • Kirill S. Popko Kuban State Technological University,
  • Tatyana L. Shaposhnikova Kuban State Technological University,



university complex; institution; additional education; interaction; diagnostics; method; model; criterion; level; student.


The article presents a method for diagnosing the interaction between the university complex and the institution of additional education of schoolchildren, which is part of such a complex. It is known that the university complex is an educational meta-environment that includes educational environments of various types and integrates various levels (stages) of the system of continuing education; such meta-environments often include relatively independent institutions for additional education of children and adolescents. The effectiveness of the functioning of a separate educational environment within the university complex is determined by many factors, primarily its interaction with the socio-pedagogical metasystem. Based on modern models of educational environments, the authors of this article have developed primary models of interaction between the university complex and its components (structures for additional education of children and adolescents), and justified the criteria for this interaction.

Author Biographies

Kirill S. Popko, Kuban State Technological University,

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Physics,

Tatyana L. Shaposhnikova, Kuban State Technological University,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Physics, Professor,


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How to Cite

Popko K, Shaposhnikova T. Modern method of diagnostics of interaction of the university complex with the institution of additional education of schoolchildren. УО [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 2 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];11(1):232-9. Available from: