Some features of electronic textbooks on legal disciplines


  • Elena I. Belyankova Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University



еlectronic textbook, digital textbook, digital pedagogy tools, interactivity, educational technologies, mobile learning, higher education, vocational education, electronic textbooks on law


The article is devoted to the problem of creating and using interactive electronic textbooks in the educational process in the course of training students in law. The author notes that the modern education system is rapidly changing under the influence of various factors, information and communication technologies are in constant development, all this leads to a more active introduction of digital pedagogy tools, including electronic textbooks, into the educational process. The article discusses changes to the definition of the content of the concept of "electronic textbook", filling it with significant features. Such as compliance with curricula, state standards and principles of didactics, the possibility of building an individualized active-activity educational environment. The author notes that he has not come across full-fledged interactive electronic textbooks on law. He analyzes the materials of individual legal courses posted on the Urayt educational platform for whether they can be considered an electronic textbook and comes to the conclusion that they cannot, primarily due to its fragmented structure, which does not allow creating an effective apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the material. peculiar to textbooks. The article discusses the features that electronic textbooks on the basic branches of Russian law should have. The author draws his conclusions and assumptions based on the results of a sociological survey conducted on the basis of the Tula State Pedagogical University, which was attended by 77 teachers and students. It is advisable to use a modular approach when creating such textbooks, with the division of theoretical material into a basic and advanced level, including through hyperlinks. The non-linear construction of the educational material allows in parallel to include elements of the apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the material in the general course of the presentation of the material. Various video materials (specially created videos, feature films and cartoons) can illustrate legal situations and be included in an electronic textbook. Another type of such multimedia can be discussion fragments of talk shows with a legal focus.


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How to Cite

Белянкова ЕИ. Some features of electronic textbooks on legal disciplines. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(6):158-66. Available from: