Visualization as a mental training method for shooting athletes
visualization, self-regulation, shooter training, shooting, mental training, autogenic training, mental simulation.Abstract
Based on the experience of training the national team of the Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D. Putilin in shooting from combat handguns and overcoming obstacle courses with shooting, the process of introducing autogenic training methods into the process of psychological training of shooting athletes is considered; the process of visualizing a shot is considered in detail, criteria for its success are highlighted. The author's definition of visualization as a mental skill developed by an athlete is given. Shooting from combat hand-held small arms as a competitive process has been an effective applied means of improving the level of fire training since ancient times, having proven its effectiveness many times in forming appropriate skills among employees in conditions associated with psychological stress, as well as fostering strong-willed qualities, determination, courage and self-confidence. The most effective methods of psychological self-regulation are determined; the optimal parameters of the shooting technique are revealed, ensuring the achievement of the best result; The most typical mistakes in the technique of shooting are investigated.
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