Integrated use of teaching methods, forms and means as a condition for the effectiveness of the educational process
internalization, teaching methods, forms of education, learning tools, sensory organs, secondary vocational education, case technologies, active learning methods (AMO), knowledge, skills and abilities (ZUN), technical learning tools (TSO), electronic educational resources (EOR).Abstract
This article examines the main methodological aspects of conducting educational activities in institutions of secondary vocational education, a list of methods, forms and means of teaching as the main elements of the pedagogical system, and provides a comparative description of the traditional and modern structure of classes. The essence of the most important theoretical positions of Soviet, Russian and foreign teachers and psychologists is revealed. In modern conditions of the development of the educational system, there is a need to find ways to improve the quality of education. The complexity of educational tasks and high competitiveness in the field of work require graduates to have practice-oriented knowledge and competencies. However, existing educational technologies often turn out to be insufficiently effective. In this regard, the problem of the integrated use of various methods, forms and means of education to improve the effectiveness of student learning is urgent. Both theoretical and practical approaches were used in the article. The theoretical analysis included the study of scientific publications and textbooks related to pedagogical technologies. The practical part included an experiment conducted in an educational environment: students were divided into control and experimental groups, which used various methods (for example, classical lectures, seminars, project training) in combination with modern digital and information technologies. The analysis of the experimental results showed that students who studied using the integration of various methods and tools were more successful in mastering the material compared to the control group. Combining traditional lecture sessions with interactive and project-based approaches has increased the level of student engagement and motivation, which has led to an improvement in their academic results. The data obtained indicate that an integrated approach to learning makes it possible to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and contributes to the formation of practical and theoretical skills among students. This confirms the need for further development of integrated educational technologies to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.
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