Analysis and development of effective organizational and pedagogical strategies to overcome crisis processes in the system of vocational education
vocational education, educational crisis, crisis management, modernization of vocational education and training, organizational and pedagogical strategies.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of crisis processes in the system of vocational education and training and the development of effective organizational and pedagogical strategies to overcome them. The relevance of the study is due to the need to adapt VET to dynamic socio-economic conditions and ensure its competitiveness. The purpose of the work is to identify the key factors of the VET crisis and propose a set of measures to modernize it. Tasks include: 1) analysis of global and local challenges facing VET; 2) identification of institutional and substantive problems of VET; 3) substantiation of the principles of anti-crisis management of VET; 4) development of practical recommendations for the transformation of VET. The research methodology is based on a combination of quantitative (statistical analysis, questionnaires) and qualitative (expert interviews, case studies) methods. The empirical base was made up of official statistics, the results of surveys of 250 heads of vocational education institutions and 30 expert interviews. It has been established that the key manifestations of the VET crisis are: the degradation of the material and technical base, the outflow of qualified personnel, the decline in the prestige of working professions, the gap between the demands of the labor market and the content of training. The principles of modernization of vocational education and training are substantiated: the advanced nature of training, flexibility and adaptability of educational programs, social partnership, network interaction. A set of organizational and pedagogical measures for the implementation of these principles is proposed. The developed recommendations have practical value for management teams and teaching staff of vocational training organizations. It is advisable to direct further research to testing the proposed strategies and evaluating their effectiveness
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