Criteria and indicators of the formed readiness of a future computer science teacher
computer science teacher, competence, readiness, pedagogical university, criterion, indicator, pedagogical problem.Abstract
The article examines the theoretical approaches of the authors specializing in the formation of the readiness of future teachers for potential professional activity. The problem of insufficient scientific research to provide a mechanism for the formation of the readiness of subject teachers on the basis of possible patterns and trends is outlined. Using the example of training future computer science teachers, the scientific works of individual authors are analyzed, which focus on the criteria and indicators of readiness of future computer science teachers for the proposed activity as an additional element of the introduction of pedagogical models. Some of the results of the mentioned authors can be tested not only in the training of future computer science teachers, but also in the training of other subject teachers. The problem of insufficiency of strengthening the role of optimizing the criterion approach in pedagogical universities was separately identified due to the potential possibilities of using the data of future computer science teachers in conducting analytical work. The article pays special attention to the importance of analyzing criteria and indicators and highlights areas that can be optimized in pedagogical universities with analysis tools. To compare the degree of feasibility of the scientific contribution of the authors mentioned in this article, specializing in pedagogy and separately teaching computer science, the results of a survey among students of two universities of the Chechen Republic were presented. The survey helped to demonstrate the importance of using a criteria-based approach, as the identified indicators clearly reflected the need to preserve existing pedagogical tools for the development of communicative competence among future computer science teachers and strengthen the approaches of university teachers in order to actualize the possibilities of research potential among students. Special attention is paid to the average indicators obtained as a result of the survey, which, without taking into account the criterion approach, may indicate the need to strengthen the creative potential and mastery of methodological tools by students. The application of the criterion approach significantly changes the nature of educational changes in favor of the phased introduction of pedagogical technologies to improve individual competencies related to the readiness of future computer science teachers for potential professional activities. The survey results were compared with the scientific contributions of the mentioned authors, which provided the criterion approach with additional advantages and priority areas that pedagogical universities need to pay attention to.
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