A model for the development of family identity among future teachers
family, family identity, family valuesAbstract
Currently, questions concerning various aspects of personal identity are becoming more and more acute. The process of globalization of society leads to the fact that the individual is given a wider choice of life scenarios. Such diversity negatively affects the individual's perception of himself as an integral unit. This phenomenon is called the identity crisis of the individual and is found everywhere. The following can be identified as the main causes of the identity crisis: threats of nuclear and man-made disasters, moral irresponsibility of members of society, propaganda of antisocial forms of media behavior, etc. Researchers also record the crisis of the family in Russian society, expressed in the transformation of the family and the devaluation of family values: the legalization of same-sex marriages in many European countries; an increase in the number of women and men who did not marry; a decrease in the birth rate due to orientation to childlessness; an increase in the number of single-parent families; the increase in the number of children left without parental care, etc. This article reveals the relevance of the problem of the formation of family identity among future teachers. A description of the theoretical development of a model for the development of family identity of students of pedagogical training areas is presented. The content of the model blocks is disclosed: conceptual, substantive, organizational and activity, technological and performance-diagnostic.
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