The impact of globalization on the process of borrowing English words into modern Russian and their adaptation in everyday speech


  • Tamerlan L. Khasbulatov K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University
  • Alisa K. Salataeva A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University


globalization, Anglicisms, borrowings, lexical semantics, mastering, language contacts, educational discourse.


The article examines the impact of globalization on the borrowing of English words into modern Russian and their adaptation in everyday speech in the context of education. The relevance of the topic is due to the intensification of language contacts and the need to comprehend the transformation of the Russian language under the influence of globalization (Krysin, 1968; New Dictionary of Methodological Terms and Concepts, 2009). The purpose of the work is to identify the features of the development of English borrowings in Russian speech and to determine their role in the development of students' communicative competence. The tasks include analyzing the ways and mechanisms of borrowing, describing the semantic and grammatical adaptation of Anglicisms, and evaluating their functional potential in educational discourse. The methodology consists of methods of etymological, definitional, contextual and functional-pragmatic analysis, implemented on the basis of modern lexicographic sources, media texts and surveys of students and teachers (n=120). It is established that globalization catalyzes the process of borrowing and accelerates the integration of Anglicisms into the Russian language system. The thematic areas in which the representation of English-speaking elements is maximum are highlighted: digital technologies, economics, education, mass culture. It is shown that the mastery of borrowings correlates with their frequency and communicative relevance. It was found that the use of Anglicisms in an educational context increases the motivation of students, promotes the assimilation of terminology and the development of intercultural competence. The results of the study have theoretical significance for sociolinguistics, contactology, and linguodidactics; In practical terms, they are applicable in teaching the Russian language, speech culture, and the development of new generation educational materials. The prospects are related to monitoring the dynamics of borrowings, studying their discursive variability, designing methodological solutions to optimize the assimilation of foreign vocabulary in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Khasbulatov TL, Salataeva AK. The impact of globalization on the process of borrowing English words into modern Russian and their adaptation in everyday speech. УО [Internet]. 2024 May 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 22];14(5-1):11-9. Available from:

