Features of the relationship between parents and secondary school students in an inclusive environment
inclusive education, social interaction, secondary school, parental involvement, pedagogical strategiesAbstract
The research focuses on studying the dynamics of social interactions in an inclusive environment, the role of parents, and pedagogical strategies aimed at optimizing the educational process and improving the social adaptation of students. Emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of parental involvement in the educational process and the development of effective approaches to strengthen mutual understanding among all participants in the educational process. The article examines the characteristics of relationships between parents and middle school students in an inclusive educational environment. Key aspects of interaction, such as parental support, adaptation of students with special educational needs, and the role of teachers in creating a favorable atmosphere, are analyzed. The importance of cooperation between family and school for the successful integration of students into the learning process is emphasized. The article provides recommendations for improving communication and collaboration aimed at enhancing academic performance and the social well- being of students. The research is based on qualitative and quantitative data collected through surveys and interviews with participants in the educational process.
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