Methodological continuity of teachers in teaching natural science subjects by means of interdisciplinary integration
educational process, continuity of teaching, interdisciplinary integration, natural sciencesAbstract
This article examines an aspect of the modern educational process such as continuity in teaching — a key aspect in forming a sustainable and developing educational program. The transfer of knowledge from one generation to another preserves and develops the scientific potential of society. The article shows how interdisciplinary integration can ensure effective continuity in the teaching of natural science subjects, maintaining student interest and motivation, broadening their horizons, and contributing to the development of critical thinking. The article discusses the methodological continuity of teachers in teaching natural science subjects through interdisciplinary integration. Special attention is given to the importance of interdisciplinary connections for forming a holistic view of the world among students and developing their analytical abilities. The authors analyze various approaches to integrating academic disciplines, such as project-based learning, thematic lessons, and interdisciplinary projects. Examples of successful application of these methods in educational practice are provided, as well as a discussion of the main advantages and challenges associated with their implementation. The article emphasizes the importance of collaboration between teachers of different subjects and the need for continuous professional development of educators for effective application of interdisciplinary integration. Recommendations are offered for organizing the educational process aimed at continuity in teaching and the development of interdisciplinary competencies in students. The article will be useful for educators, methodologists, and administrators of educational institutions striving to improve the quality of teaching natural science subjects.
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