Defining changes in the educational environment in the context of the introduction of information and computer technologies


  • Galina S. Lubysheva scientific journal "Questions of professional development of personnel"
  • Arsenti A. Krasilnikov Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Gulnara R. Chubanova Moscow City Pedagogical University



information and computer technologies (ICT); education; training; teaching; interactive training programs; software; digital telecommunications equipment in the field of education; digital educational environment


Information and computer technology (ICT) is one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Since the advent of Nomo sapiens, many technologies of varying degrees of complexity have been its constant companions throughout its existence. It is largely due to the development of technology that such phenomena as civilization, science and art have emerged. Modern technology is also fundamentally changing our lives. They affect various aspects of our being, and in many ways determine this very being. As practice shows, modern ICTs play a crucial role in every area of modern society. Some learning and development tasks can also be significantly automated thanks to modern digital technologies. It should also be noted that many complex and critical processes can be implemented less cost-effectively and with greater efficiency when using such technologies. Thanks to more advanced or applied ICTs, a person's life has changed significantly, and, it should be noted, it has changed for the better. It should also be noted that modern digital technologies have brought truly revolutionary changes in the field of education. The importance of the issue of the introduction of ICT in schools at various levels today is difficult to overestimate. In fact, with the advent of digital technologies in education, it has become much easier for teachers to share knowledge, and for students to acquire it. The widespread use of ICTs has made the closely interconnected processes of teaching and learning much more interesting and positively colored, both for teachers and students.

Author Biographies

Galina S. Lubysheva, scientific journal "Questions of professional development of personnel"

Head of the Editorial and Publishing Department

Arsenti A. Krasilnikov, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate

Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety,

Gulnara R. Chubanova, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Life Safety,


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How to Cite

Любышева Г, Красильников А, Чубанова Г. Defining changes in the educational environment in the context of the introduction of information and computer technologies. УО [Internet]. 2021Apr.2 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(1):150-9. Available from: