Modern technologies for the formation of creative activity of vocal students in pedagogical practice


  • Qi Jing A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University



vocal, technology, pedagogy, model, digital technologies, creative activity


Within the framework of this article, an analysis of modern technologies for stimulating the creative activity of vocal students in the context of pedagogical practice is carried out. The author provides a brief description of modern vocal education, as well as the problems faced by modern teachers. Special attention is paid to the musical art, the basis of which lies in the individuality and independence of the performer or composer, thanks to which the development of this field of activity takes place. The work also examines the technological culture of future vocal teachers, as well as the education of students as independent and individual personalities as prerequisites for the activation of creative activity through new teaching methods. In this regard, the author proposes a new pedagogical model based on the use of digital technologies (special software related to the processing of vocals and other audio materials) and an anthropological approach that provides students with the opportunity to influence the organization of the educational process and realize their own creative potential through teamwork.


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How to Cite

Цзин Ц. Modern technologies for the formation of creative activity of vocal students in pedagogical practice. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):221-6. Available from:

