Interaction of educational institutions and public organizations in the field of patriotic education


  • Islam M. Ogly Dzholiev Ural State Agrarian University
  • Eduard Y. Bashmakov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Niaz M. Karimov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir A. Obnosov Ural State Agrarian University
  • Alexey S. Mishin Ural State Agrarian University



patriotic education, educational institutions, public organizations, youth, interaction, volunteering


Patriotic education of young people is one of the key tasks of modern Russian society. The successful implementation of this task is possible only with the effective interaction of educational institutions and public organizations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the main forms and methods of such interaction. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: analysis of scientific literature on the research problem (127 sources were analyzed), study of the regulatory framework (18 legislative acts were considered), questioning of school and university students (1,532 respondents aged 14 to 22 from 8 regions of the Russian Federation were interviewed), interviewing representatives of educational institutions and public organizations (43 interviews were conducted in 12 regions of the Russian Federation). It was found that the main forms of interaction between educational institutions and public organizations in the field of patriotic education are: joint development and implementation of educational and social projects (76% of respondents participated in such projects), organization of patriotic events (87% of the surveyed schoolchildren and students attended such events), provision of volunteer and sponsorship assistance to veterans and members of the their families (65% of students have similar experience), military sports games and competitions (58% of respondents are their participants). The factors contributing to the effectiveness of this interaction have been identified: systematic work, consideration of the age characteristics of young people, the use of interactive methods, monitoring of results.


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How to Cite

Джолиев ИМО, Башмаков ЭЮ, Каримов НМ, Обносов ВА, Мишин АС. Interaction of educational institutions and public organizations in the field of patriotic education. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):96-105. Available from:




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