Innovative approaches in the didactics of higher education: rethinking traditional teaching methods in the digital age in Russia


  • Tatyana A. Zhdanova Pacific State University



innovative approaches, didactics of higher education, digital technologies, gamification, micro-education, adaptive learning, competencies, digital economy


In the era of rapid development of digital technologies and their active introduction into various spheres of human activity, including education, rethinking traditional methods of teaching in higher education is becoming particularly relevant. This study is aimed at analyzing innovative approaches in the didactics of higher education in Russia that contribute to improving the effectiveness of the educational process and the formation of students' competencies necessary for successful professional activity in the context of digitalization. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the problems of modernization of higher education in Russia was carried out, as well as the practical experience of introducing innovative teaching methods in leading Russian universities was studied. In particular, data on the use of methods such as gamification (the use of game elements in non-game situations), micro-learning (splitting educational material into small, easily digestible blocks), adaptive learning (personalization of the educational process taking into account individual characteristics and needs of students), etc. were analyzed. In addition, a survey was conducted of 120 teachers from 15 Russian universities in order to identify their attitude to the introduction of innovative teaching methods and evaluate the effectiveness of these methods. The conducted research has shown that the introduction of innovative approaches in the didactics of higher education in Russia contributes to increasing the motivation and involvement of students in the educational process, developing their critical thinking, creativity and skills for solving non-standard tasks. Thus, the use of gamification in teaching has allowed to increase the average student achievement score by 15%, and the use of micro–education has reduced the time spent on studying educational material by 20%. At the same time, 78% of the surveyed teachers noted that innovative teaching methods contribute to the formation of students' competencies necessary for successful professional activity in the digital economy.


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How to Cite

Жданова ТА. Innovative approaches in the didactics of higher education: rethinking traditional teaching methods in the digital age in Russia. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.28 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-2):71-9. Available from:

